Sunday, December 9, 2007

Welcome to my humble blog


Now there's an unsavory name if ever there was one.

I'd put Blog right alongside words like Booger, Snot and Gob.

Whoever comes up with these ridiculous terms?

I'm almost embarrassed to admit that I'm a Blogger.


The images that creates!

The good news is that I am not going to waste your time and mine debating this distasteful title any longer and instead will be chatting to you about subjects that are close to my heart.

These include tales of my culinary adventures...sharing crafts 'n table decor experiences as a new immigrant and single mother in Israel...and more.

Please be patient.

I'm in seach of a map to navigate my way through Blog Land and will be back soon.

Best I pack my gumboots as I'd hate to get caught in a Blog!

Thanks for welcoming me.

Lisa @ Delicious!

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